Here are my thoughts - I'll start with the positive. I loved seeing Tom back in HV. It brought a connection to Jack and the past relationship he had with Faith. While I enjoyed all the music the storyline was kind of dumb. The Allie and Nathan story was good. She's getting older and some of this history just needs to be addressed. And who hasn't had a teenage that thinks they know what's best for them even though it's not? I also loved loved loved the added comedy that Bill and Rosemary brought. Some of the looks on their faces made me laugh and Bill's one liners always get me! The who done it mystery was refreshing. It really get me guessing and I truly had no idea for many episodes who the shooter was. While getting there was a bit redundant, the actually story line was good.

Now for the negative- I disagree about Faith and Lily. I'm not a big Faith fan anyway. Her crying scenes make me cringe. Lily is adorable but I find myself fast fwd when I rewatch. The whole Resort story was dumb. I understand that they needed this as part of the shooter story but so much didn't make sense. Like why Lucas needed to stay there the whole time? To me the worst story line was Mike and Mei. It was just rushed and I wasn't invested in them at all. And for them to have so much attention in the finale brings me to my last point. That was one of the worst finale's I've seen. The cliffhanger was built up before the show and then it left me feeling empty. My first words were, "well that was dumb". We all know Jack is dead and more than likely it will be something anticlimactic.

Now my views on N/E. These 2 are such tremendous actors. I felt the finale made them look silly and goofy. N and E chemistry is real but that finale was lacking. We went all season with very little romance and then the writers tried to pile it all on the last episode. No thank you! That's not who N/E are. Yes they love each other but they are both grown adults and don't need stories written like they are teenagers again. Just my opinion.

Over all, one of the best seasons we've had in awhile. I would love to see more comedy, Tom come back for a relationship with Faith. Rosemary shining bright with her wits again. More Nathan and Bill moments. Give me a blended family and less love struck teenagers and I'm happy.

Until season 12, see ya Hearties!

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

The acting this season was great. I loved the callbacks. But the repetition of information made the season feel slow en superficial. They could have done so much more with Lucas and his PTSD and his history with Jeanette. Also Tom Thornton’s return had potential for a far more impactful storyline. And I would have loved to see more of Bo and Mike meeting him for the first time.

I hope for next season they give Lucas a very good storyline. Although that is always difficult as a storyline centers around politics. But seeing him get more confident en reach his potential would be great to watch. But it seems like he is going back to Capital City. I hope they make it work. I want to see the season 6 Lucas again, more confident and happy. It seems Fiona also has a storyline outside of Hope Valley as she is fighting for women’s rights. Could their storylines intertwine? Not necessarily romantically. That is if Kayla joins WCTH for season 12.

I also hope that we get a moment where Lucas and Elizabeth are both in a great place and they acknowledge that their relationship was meaningful and neither one could have reached the place where they are without the other.

As I understand it Jack is going to school next year. That promises to be a great storyline to.

So there is a lot to look forward to.

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I'll be honest I didn't enjoy the season finale it felt like an episode 5 rather than a finale and the way that most of Nathan and Elizabeth's scenes were just glorified set ups for kissing felt like a repeat of the exact thing we complained about with LUCAS and Elizabeth too much kissing without any emotional build up like you say they haven't earnt it. Elizabeth and jack's romance did nit have so much kissing yet it was full of emotion, joy,fear,pain,fun teasing moments and flirty moments. Wheras just having 6 desperate to kiss scenes is like the repetition you talked of earlier we get it, now show us some different notes to your tune. They need to switch things up and keep the tone varied and changing, we loved the dynamic of Elizabeth and Nathan BECAUSE it was varied, the hit many different notes, serious, flirty, angry, happy, sad, wistful,hopeful,academic, parental, friendly, funny, concerned, panicked, impressed. They played with all of this range rather than being a flat and one note song. This season unfortunately especially Nathan has been given a flatter tune he had two notes. The I love Elizabeth Note, and the Parenting note. His Mountie note was in minimal use and when it was it was strongly to the I love Elizabeth note

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I know many may disagree with my thoughts here but maybe someone can relate…..to make it clear - I have always rooted for Nathan and Elizabeth to be together.I agree with you about Nathan and Elizabeth relationship journey. I like the slow-burn and progression overall as each step was a move forward. But, Nathan’s limited notes bothered me and sometimes he didn’t seem like Nathan. I have never felt like that before with his character. I know we are seeing a different side of him now that he can be more open about his feelings, but at times I struggled to see the Nathan we have come to adore. Maybe having some Mountie business/action would have balanced it out. I too felt like the finale didn’t seemed earned in parts. I understand that Nathan has waited a long time to hear Elizabeth’s declaration of love and it was beautiful! I feel like Nathan would have been a little more reserved and still show some signs of awkwardness or hesitation the next day. I’d like to see Elizabeth show him more how much she loves him and respects him beyond just kisses. All the kisses seemed too much too soon. I understand there is passion that has been there underneath all along and this has been building all season, but it felt rushed and made me feel that they need to marry asap. It seemed like we missed something as an audience. I am glad they are together…I just want it to make sense. I want them to seem like themselves. I don’t think their characters would have acted that way (Ep. 12). I agree that I didn’t like Lucas and Elizabeth kissing all over town either.

I liked the deep talk scene in the row house and would love to see more of that and want to see them go deeper to continue to work through things that have been said or happened in the past. I feel like Elizabeth still hasn’t fully come back to herself and the character could use some depth. She is more joyful and has seemed to conquer her fear and grief but there is just something missing. This in NO way takes away from the incredible acting and I am still a fan of the shoe and have been since Season 1.

When the show makes choices to “give the fans what they want” sometimes the storylines and characters suffer for it.

Maybe I am off on these points but this is how I felt after the finale. I think if we had ended with the penultimate episode it would have been more satisfying to me.

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Yes I agree with everything youve mentioned here I would have been more happy left on the love confession as a cliffhanger than to have an anticlimactic episode of which there was only 1 good scene (the row house) and and a semi intriguing cliffhanger even the Nathan and little jack scene which the director said was one of his favourites didn't seem that special for this episode we saw him do the riding with him in episode 10 already and although it was sweet enough it didn't really add to the story like it was Hinted. The secrets were random and not that romantic, it would have been much more relevant and cute if Nathan had brought up the confetti star and Elizabeth had maybe confessed that she knew if she'd stayed the first time he said I love you she would have been able to leave it something else romantic like that. If course I enjoyed the deep conversation they ended up having but they could have used both

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Jul 2Liked by The Heartie Observer

I just don’t want their characters to become unlikable as Elizabeth was in Season 8 and 9. I also want to see them being true to who they are even while in love. I get what they were trying to do but just thought it focused too much on their attraction. I did like the scene in the row house where things went deeper but I think there is still more to say and deal with related to Jack. Episode 12 felt “too easy”. Or too smooth. Trying to remember it is a bit of a honeymoon phase and new love. Just don’t want to see the characters become less with too much emphasis on the physical attraction. What makes it so beautiful is the meat and heart of their story stretched out over 6 seasons now.

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I agree, and hopefully the won't make the same mistakes as in season 9 I think so far our new showrunner has done really well with most of the stories giving us some really good stuff we haven't really even felt or seen since season 5 or 6 the episode with Higgins in my opinion is one of the best episodes in WCTH history so I'm confident they can find something other than kisses to do with this new relationship, that's actually why I'm so glad for the cliffhanger it will give them something to face together outside of but still impacting there relationship

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Yes, Episode 6 was fantastic! I also thought most of 9 and 10 were good especially Nathan and Allie’s story. And I agree, the show does feel more like the original seasons. Yes, I think the cliffhanger could really be a great story depending on where they take it. They could tie up Jack’s death (and honor his memory), Nathan’s suspension and all the angst around Ft. Clay. I think it is the one thing that Elizabeth and Nathan need to face to be fully free to move forward and marry. Thanks for chatting! I think after a break I will rewatch to see if I feel differently about Episode 12.

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I agree with what you have said. You say it so much better than I, as I just sound angry. That’s not the case. I’m just disappointed; underwhelmed. For the reasons you stated. Most of the season seemed like on the surface: never going deep. Leaving so much unanswered. I would have preferred less fill in fluff with more deep dives. The slow pacing with B/E and the resort story was ridiculous. E 11 was Ozk, but the only real depth was Janette and the beautiful scene with E/N. To be honest, my favorite scene of the season was in E10, when Nathan and Allie were talking at breakfast. Yes: I could hear the tears in Nathan’s voice. Allie was incredible. Lots of true emotion and depth. The episode with Higgins was awesome too. To see Elizabeth fight her fears, with znathsn’s support and love. The apple juice scene started to go deep, but then not. For next season, I want more depth. Like to see some really good heroic Mountie action, back with Team Gravery, and with Nathan in the lead. I’d like to see a much faster pace with N/E, and questions actually answered. More depth AND speed to their story. Line to see them married at some point in S12, with lively family stories. I too would like to see how Lucas and Batgan are doing, plus a better storyline for Lucas. Lije I said, I’m underwhelmed with S12. Of course I did like to see N/E finally get together.

So far my fav seasons of WCTH are S1,3, 6,7

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Teresa, you make some valid critiques in your review, but I have a more enthusiastic reaction to the season, which I now rank with my favorite seasons (S7 & S3 & S4) in the series. Like you, my biggest criticism was the "resort" concept that seemed far-fetched from the beginning, but it was a vehicle to drive Lucas's storyline forward. My favorite episodes were 11, 9 & 10, 6, and 12.

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I must say one thing that was a BIG miss for me this season was the Music for Nathan and Elizabeth's love scenes, it felt weirdly comedic in parts.

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